Thursday, September 30, 2021

Pre-Semester Non-Lecture Analysis 33 - Baguio-Benguet consumers are slowly waking up

rdinary people of good conscience are beginning to react to the BENECO crisis. I think it's because the COVID19 Delta Variant reminds them of it everyday. The NEA variant behaves uncanningly similar. It did not kill the host right away. It struck a very healthy coop. It did not even make everyone sick at first. It did raise the community's temperature slightly. But many still believe it's one of those things that will just go away. After all, all organs of the body are still functioning well. Flip a switch and the power still comes on. Then the virus began to rampage through the system. It mimicked the cells of the body, its socmed accounts, etc. It has gone to the bank. It needs to clone more viruses. Set up a sattellite office, entry point for more NEA viruses to come in. They have arrived already. It knocked out a few cells first. 7 directors and 1 officer. To prevent other cells from communicating, it stopped all assemblies, big or small. The biggest thing going for the virus it is you can't observe these things except by peeking into a microscope. People are just too busy. They flip the switch everyday to "monitor" the crisis. Power still comes on. So this crisis/disease will be protracted. If--when--power starts to falter, maybe after the virus has knocked down a couple of vital supply lines, and some busted transformers go unreplaced, then the business community will begin to suffer. Next, the whole city will start to feel the effect as the body's temperature breaks into a proper fever. Someone asked, "what do you think will happen then?" I said maybe that's when our antibodies will really kick into play. "But there's the case before the CA. You're a lawyer, when do you think can we expect to hear from that?" I vascillated between two answers. I should have said "I'm a lawyer, not a prophet" but I decided to just go with "how old are you now?"

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